Date Visited: Lunch on Friday Mar 13, 2015
Company: Take-out for myself
A co-worker of mine who lived in Jamaica for a few years always mentioned the take-out place near our work where she always gets Chicken Sandwiches. I decided to check it out myself one day when I was leaving the office around lunch time and was heading downtown to work from Will's the rest of the day. It's a really small hole-in-the-wall spot in a plaza beside KFC and can only fit about 5 people to line up in before gets too tight. You order through a window to the kitchen where the guys are prepping the food for you. And for the month of March, they had a Small Jerk Chicken Dinner on special for $5. :)
I put in my order and stood back a bit to the window while the other people in line ordered. It got a bit busy around noon and it seems like there were a lot of regulars who knew what they wanted. Their soup was asked about but the guy was not down after he heard it was Goat Head... There were only two people behind in the kitchen, one taking the orders and the other making the food. It took about 10 minutes to get my order and I was quickly out of the packed room to head downtown.

Food: 2.5/5 - Good value but not an outstanding meal.
Decor: 1.5/5 - Small, white room but does the job.
Service: 3.5/5 - Quick and easy.
Willingness to go back: 2/5 - I wouldn't order that again but I'd return if I was feeling for something different then I usually eat.
Overall: 2.5/5
Website: none
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